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Hi Today I’m not going to talk about my favorite music I listen to all kind of music from cumbia to heavy rock or whatever I don’t discriminate music I enjoy search different music I think every music has his moment into my playlist like when I am sad I listen something softer or if I need some energy I put some more moved music, but my favorite music I think it’s rock and all its derivate, I have a special group it is AC / DC they are not my favorite group but I enjoy to listen to them with my dad because it's his favorite band. I only went to a concert in my life I went to the lollapalooza in 2014 there was RHCP and Soundgarden. The bands that I like don’t come here so often and I lived in Iquique so go to a concert in Santiago was too expensive, now I’m here in Santiago and I expect go to some concert in the future.

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